After booking your reservation and arriving to the park, please follow these tips for a speedy and smooth process at our registration window:
1. Please have only one person come to the window to represent your entire group. Have all 15 player waivers completed and be prepared to pay the 15 player minimum at this time.
2. After you hand over your waivers, our staff will confirm with you each of your players present. Each player gets one wristband. Any late comers will be required to turn in a waiver and get their wristband at their time of arrival.
3. You will be asked how many self equipped players you have, how many BBs you may need, and will also be given the option to rent any of our equipment if you need to. Remember, if you're using our guns you MUST purchase our BBs.
4. Once all questions have been answered, the staff will tell you the amount do at that time. Your initial $100 deposit to reserve the game will be deducted from this total.
5. You may pay by cash (which is preferred) or by credit/debit card or a combination of both (one card and the rest cash). The private group organizer must have payment collected and ready prior to approaching the window. A player may come up to the window after to purchase any additional items they may need.
6. Please follow these directions and tips to make the process as speedy and smooth as possible. Doing so will help get you to the fields faster so you can enjoy your game.
Thank you,
- Jungle Island